URS Testing Laboratory LLC
Environmental Air Quality Testing:
Indoor air quality: It refers to the air inside the buildings. The air we breathe plays a vital role on the health of individuals which could be immediate or long term effect. Immediate health effects include, irritation to eyes, nose, throat, headache, dizziness and fatigue. Long term effects include respiratory diseases, heart diseases, cancer and even death of certain sensitive individuals.
There is no single factor that determines the quality of indoor air of a given area. Concentrations of indoor air pollutants are influenced by changes in activities both within and outside the buildings, cleaning, heating and renovation regimes, the degree of ventilation, and the presence of products that are hazardous (including asbestos) or emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
URS TESTING LABORATORY LLC: We at the URS Testing Laboratory LLC have a state-of-art-facilities to determine the Indoor air quality at various places like residential areas, Flats, Villas, Schools, Offices, Hospitals, Hotels, Malls, Cinema theaters, Food and Catering industries, Pharmaceutical industries, Oil and gas industries, Cement, Steel, Concrete, Rubber, Plastic, Jewelry Manufacturing Industries, warehouses and storage areas.
Our highly professional technical team of environmental engineers and technicians are expertise in determining the quality of air and will help you to know if the quality of the indoor air is in line with the local Green Building Standards, international IAQ standards like ASHRAE and OSHA’s and OSHAD standards for Industries. URS TESTING LABORATORY LLC can provide expert analytical, consultative and investigative services apart from reporting measurements. URS TESTING LABORATORY LLC works with experts in the industry to provide wholesome solutions to IAQ problems from investigative identification to remedial solutions. On-site tests offered are 8-hour TWA tests in compliance with Dubai Municipality Green Building Standards, OSHA’s or OSHAD Standards and customer specific shorter duration tests.
At URS Testing Laboratory, we can determine the quality of Indoor dust (PM 0.5, PM1, PM2.5, PM5, PM7, PM10 & TSPM) and Indoor gases levels such as Sulphur Dioxide, Nitrogen Dioxide, Oxygen, Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide, Ozone, Total Volatile Organic Compounds, Ammonia, Formaldehyde, Microbiological load like bacterial, yeast and mould load, we can also determine the temperature, humidity, air flow pattern, air velocity, heating ventilation and air conditioning, differential pressures, recovery test etc. Thus, making us more efficient in terms of providing the complete details of the quality of air inside the building and the efficiency of the air conditioning and ventilation facilities. We also can determine the Indoor noise and Lux levels at various locations. Quantitative measures involve monitoring the following: PM10 Monitoring / Respirable, Total Volatile Organic Compound Carbon Monoxide, Relative Humidity.
Indoor Air Quality As per Dubai Green Building Guidelines:
- Dust (PM2.5, PM 10 & TSPM)
- Ozone
- Oxygen
- Formaldehyde
- Carbon Dioxide
- Temperature & Relative Humidity
- Total Bacterial Count & Fungal Count
Indoor Air Quality As per OSHA’s Guidelines
- Dust (PM2.5, PM 10 & TSPM)
- Ozone
- Oxygen
- Formaldehyde
- Carbon Dioxide
- Carbon Monoxide
- Sulphur Dioxide
- Nitrogen Dioxide
- Ammonia
- Temperature & Relative Humidity
Indoor Air Quality Testing

Ambient Air Quality: It refers to the air outside our buildings. Every year 6.5 million people die of air pollution. UAE is one of the worst hit places according to World Health Organization in terms of air pollution. Dust storms is one of the major sources of air pollution apart from other vehicular and industrial emissions in UAE. The PM 2.5 and PM 10 size particulate matter are of major concern because they cause severe respiratory illness. These days government of UAE is more concerned about carrying out development in a sustainable manner. Stringent action like heavy fines is imposed for factories and industries who are not controlling their pollution emission levels.
We at URS Testing Laboratory LLC have highly efficient environmental engineers and we are well equipped with state of art facilities to monitor the ambient air around your factory premises as per cabinet decree 12 of 2006 regulations and OSHA’s & OSHAD regulations for ambient air. We can monitor the ambient temperature, humidity, dust levels (PM 2.5, PM 10 & TSPM) apart from monitoring the gases like Sulphur dioxide, Nitrogen dioxide, Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide, Oxygen, Ozone, ammonia, Hydrogen Sulphide and TVOC levels in the ambient air around your factory and Sewage treatment plant premises.
Ambient air quality testing

Stack Emission Monitoring: It refers to the gases and dust emission testing from stacks and ducts of various factories, industries, boilers, Diesel generators and paint booths. We at URS Testing Laboratory LLC have highly efficient professionals for conducting the stack emission testing and also well equipped with the stack dust and stack gases emission testing equipment’s. We can monitor the dust levels (TSPM) and gases like Sulphur dioxide, Nitrogen dioxide, Oxides of Nitrogen, Carbon Monoxide, Carbon dioxide, Oxygen, Hydrocarbon and TVOC levels apart from measuring stack temperature, Stack velocity, Pressure, Flow rate, Stack height and Diameter.
Stack Emission Testing

Noise and Lux monitoring: It refers to monitoring the indoor and outdoor noise and light intensities using noise and lux meters. It can be continuous 8-hrs monitoring or spot testing depending on the requirements of the clients.
Stack Emission Testing

Our equipment’s for the Environmental monitoring is as shown below:
We at URS Testing Laboratory LLC will provide you with world class services in determining the environmental conditions and help you lead a healthier and happier and a more comfortable life. Help us to Help you Lead a Better Life.