
At URS Laboratory you can also hire Equipment and Instrument Engineers/Technicians

  1. Instrument & Control Technicians, Engineers, operators for various shutdown projects and maintenance works in oil & gas, construction sectors.
  2. Rental Services for Industrial Instruments with and without Operator
  • Temperature Calibrator with IR  – (-50 ° C ~ 150 ° C)
  • Digital Temperature Data Logger/Thermometer – upto 10 channels
  • Weighing Scales
  • Standard Test Weights (Small and High Range):    Ranging from 1 mg – 20 kg and upto 1000 kg

URS offers a complete range of Instrumentation equipment, valves and services for upstream Oil & Gas, Construction, Hotels and food & beverage industries. The range of test Equipment supplied, installed and supported encompasses everything with different measuring & monitoring instruments as below:

Pressure Instruments

Pressure Gauge

Pressure Safety Valve

Digital Pressure Gauge

Pressure Chart Recorder

Digital Pressure Gauges

Pressure Transmitters

Pressure Gauges, Switches, Chart Recorders, Sensors, accessories like pens and chart papers for recorders, Pressure transmitters, Pressure Safety Valves with various sizes etc.

Temperature Instruments

Temperature Gauges, sensors, thermometers, Infrared Thermometers, PRT sensors, Thermocouples, recorders, Temperature Transmitters etc.

Weighing & Mass Instruments

Analytical Balances, Precision balances, platform weighing scales, Standard weights etc.

Electrical Instruments

Multimeters, clampmeters, Decade Resistance Boxes, Insulation Testers, Voltage sensors, Ammeters, loop testers, communicators etc.

Dimensional & Linear Instruments

Micrometers, Vernier Calipers, Sieves, Hi-Lo gages, gauge blocks, Dial Indictors etc.


Torque & Force Instruments

Torque Wrenches, Load indicators, Torque screwdrivers etc.

Flow Measurement Instruments

Equipment Calibration in UAE

Mechanical & Ultrosonic flow meters, flow sensors, switches, flow transmitters etc.

Gas Instruments

H2S Gas monitors, Multi gas detectors etc