Environmental and Air Quality Testing in Dubai

Environment Monitoring

URS Labs can help you tailor your air sampling techniques to meet your specific needs. URS Laboratories air testing lab offers expertise and analytical testing services to meet a variety of air sampling needs, including indoor air quality.

Air Quality Monitoring

We are also accredited by the EIAC (DAC) for the following:

Ambient dust: PM 2.5, PM 10, TSPM. Monitoring done by gravimetric method using Dual Channel Dust monitor (INSTRUMEX) BS EN 12341.

Ambient gases: CO, CO2, SO2 & NO2, O2, O3, H2S, NH3, HCL, HCN, HCOH, TVOC monitored by using BSEN 60079-29-2 methodology and sensor-based equipment YES PLUS LGA GAS Monitor

Physical parameters: Ambient Temperature, Humidity measured using Hygro-Thermometer, Wind speed & Wind direction using Kestrel wind meter based on BSEN 60079-29-2

Dual Channel Dust Monitor

Kestrel Wind Meter