Environment Monitoring
URS Labs can help you tailor your air sampling techniques to meet your specific needs. URS Laboratories air testing lab offers expertise and analytical testing services to meet a variety of air sampling needs, including indoor air quality.
Air Quality Monitoring
We are also accredited by the EIAC (DAC) for the following:
Ambient dust: PM 2.5, PM 10, TSPM. Monitoring done by gravimetric method using Dual Channel Dust monitor (INSTRUMEX) BS EN 12341.
Ambient gases: CO, CO2, SO2 & NO2, O2, O3, H2S, NH3, HCL, HCN, HCOH, TVOC monitored by using BSEN 60079-29-2 methodology and sensor-based equipment YES PLUS LGA GAS Monitor
Physical parameters: Ambient Temperature, Humidity measured using Hygro-Thermometer, Wind speed & Wind direction using Kestrel wind meter based on BSEN 60079-29-2