Geotechnical Investigation and Construction Material Testing
URS Laboratory Services LLC, Abudhabi is a subsidiary of The United Register of Systems (URS) is a member of URS Holdings, whose mission is to advance appraisal and confirmation administration for quality business operations. We are an autonomous United Kingdom based management system certification body and accredited by UKAS.
URS Laboratory Services LLC was established in 2021 to fulfill and cater the ever-growing need of the construction industry customers.
It has an modern set up in ICAD – 3 Industrial Area managed by the high-level professionals in the field. All our equipment is regularly calibrated and is in accordance with international standards as well as local authorities.
- Geotechnical Investigation
- Construction Material
- Chemical
- Geotechnical Investigation
Construction projects are highly sensitive because they need to ensure the resulting buildings are safe for people and surrounding structures. Therefore, a geotechnical site investigation is conducted to verify the status of the soil. This report is essential before building foundations on the ground. As a result, geotechnical site investigation has gained importance in today’s world.
The purpose of a geotechnical site investigation is to provide a detailed report to the Contractor/consultant before they start their construction work.
The scope of geotechnical site investigation involves collecting soil samples, running lab tests, researching available literature, mapping/logging, and conducting on-site reviews. The collected data from these studies are used for site grading, retaining walls, site drainage, building foundations etc.
It’s essential to conduct a thorough geotechnical site investigation before construction can begin. There are several reasons for doing so.
- Minimize Damage
- Cost Control
- Determine The Construction Material
At URS, we provide you with a complete understanding of the conditions and hazards at your project site. URS is equipped with all the latest Geotechnical investigation equipment and has highly qualified experienced Geotechnical engineers, geologists, and drillers.
The services provided by URS in the fields of Geotechnical includes:
- Percussion Drilling
- Rotary Drilling
- Falling Head Permeability
- Groundwater Level Monitoring
Construction Material
Our Construction materials testing services help bring certainty to material safety, performance and application. Giving you accurate and independent information at every stage of your project. The core services offered by the material Division includes testing of Soil and Concrete. The testing is carried out as per the International Standards and specifications as defined in BS, ASTM, BS EN, AASHTO, DIN, ISO etc. In certain cases, the tests can also be performed in accordance with the customer specified test methods or procedure.
Our Chemical Section performs the chemical analysis of a wide range of materials used for the construction and allied industry as per British standard methods and other international standards
Laboratory and Field Testing
Our Tests are Carried out in accordance with BS, BSEN, ASTM and BSI Standards
Geotechnical ground Investigation
Determination of the penetration resistance using split-barrel sampler (The standard penetration test SPT)
- Soil Sampling
- Soil Description
- Rock Sampling,
- Total Core Recovery (TCR)
- Rock Description
- Rock Quality Designation
- Unconfined Compressive strength.
- Groundwater Level Measurement
- Ground water sampling.
Construction Material Testing
- Particle Size distribution – Sieve Analysis and hydrometer method
- Liquid Limit – fall Cone method
- Plastic limit
- Plasticity Index
- Determination of Moisture content (Soil and rock)
- Field Density Tests (Sand Replacement method)
- Drydensity-Moisurecontent Relationship of soil (with medium sized and course sized gravel)
- Determination of California Bearing Ratio (CBR)
- Concrete-Compressive strength of concrete cubes.
- Chemical Testing
- pH value of Soil Ground water
- Sulfate Content of Soil and groundwater
- Chloride Content of soil and Groundwater